
Dont Share This

Don’t Share This

Surprise your audience with something extremely generous like a discount or access to something really special


Fun Facts

The best way to get your emails opened is to make sure the last one they opened was worth it. Hit your subscribers with something fun and unexpected to hook them into opening your emails for years to come.

4-Part Weekend Flash Sale

Weekend Flash Sale

Need a quick cash injection? This might be your ticket. Can be done over a weekend.

graphic showing the live workshop 8-part email sequence

8 Part Live Workshop Email Sequence

Want to run a live workshop? Here’s an 8 part email sequence complete with all the teaching you need to get it done!

All the Links

All the Links

Newsletters should share the news. Use this email to share the latest industry stuff so people have something to dig into and you get some promo/idea shiz off your plate.

3 + 3 = $

3 + 3 = $

Share a bit of yourself without telling a story, put your offers (or offer to help) in front of your peeps.

Before Cart Open

Before Cart Open

Before the sale, you should try to answer any objections upfront. That’s what this email is all about.

Product Idea Survey

Product Idea Survey

Have trouble getting people to fill out surveys? Use this email to make that problem go away.