Use this email to find out how engaged your audience really is. You’ll either host a virtual Meet N Greet or an inbox Ask Me Anything. Either way, you’re going to see who are the most engaged folks, engage those that usually aren’t, and gather customer research. BOOM!
Fun Tidbits
Show people what is possible in your niche and get them hitting that reply button. The faster you do these two things, the faster they’ll KLT you and turn into customers for life.
Why I Started
Share what you love about your business. Invite subscribers to reply (or point them to social) to start a conversation around your mutual love of XYZ. This email is HUGE in helping you know your subscribers + how to sell to them.
Fun Facts
The best way to get your emails opened is to make sure the last one they opened was worth it. Hit your subscribers with something fun and unexpected to hook them into opening your emails for years to come.
Lucky Duck
It’s a holiday and people love small talk. Let’s use that to our advantage this week to quickly connect and establish expertise in an area.
Valentine’s Day Special
Send a little love note to our subscribers. Use this email to build that customer relationship by showing love and asking for feedback.
Don’t Forget
Share a quick tip. Use this email to stay top of mind and show that you’re investing in them by giving them something of value.