Random Stuff

4-Part Weekend Flash Sale

Weekend Flash Sale

Need a quick cash injection? This might be your ticket. Can be done over a weekend.

Welcome:Nurture Sequence

Welcome/Nurture Sequence

Use this as a simple but effective way to welcome new subscribers. Or as a reintroduction to a neglected list.

Cold Scrub Swipes

Cold Scrub

need some inspiration on how to get people who aren’t opening off your list? Here’s Liz’s own emails she uses.

Original “Can I have $9?” email

Original “Can I have $9” email

Want to see how I launched this membership? This email has it all–sales, messaging, engagement, excitement, my big why…and it’s yours for the swiping.

EMM Affiliate Swipe Copy

EMM Affiliate Swipe Copy

Want to promote Email Marketing Membership? AMAZING. Here are some swipes for your use. Let’s make some sweet moolah together, baby.

101 Subject Lines

101 Subject Lines

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