follower to friend
Paid For Free
Give away something for free. This should be something you normally charge for…but that isn’t going to hurt your bottom line or take up too much of your time to give away.
Inspirational Quote
Share an inspirational quote that will move your reader closer to seeking a solution from you. You can also share your solutions and/or content directly in this email.
Grateful for my Business
Share a little gratitude with this email…just a few things you’re grateful for having in your life since you started your business/became involved in the work you do today. Invite your subscribers to share something they’re grateful for in return.
Use this email to find out how engaged your audience really is. You’ll either host a virtual Meet N Greet or an inbox Ask Me Anything. Either way, you’re going to see who are the most engaged folks, engage those that usually aren’t, and gather customer research. BOOM!